About Us
We are a David and Desiree (and Nuvik). We were married over 11 years ago in Canada and live in Haifa Israel.
To support ourselves here, in 2019 we launched Drink Offering and began creating digital tour program which became Taste & See TV. The show had us traversing every angle of Israel and the Bible lands, going off trail and seeking out the authentic Israel and Bible experience.
Now we are ready to take you along on an exciting adventure to make the little connections, and add the context, that allows you to grasp for yourself the amazing depth of the Bible and the land of Israel!

How do I subscribe and/or cancel?
To sign up, visit our Taste & See TV page by clicking the link in the heading, or going to www.drinkoffering.tv.
From there, click JOIN in the header, then follow the prompts as you select the plan that is right for you. To CANCEL, once logged in, select SETTINGS & PASSWORD and there you will see an option to Change Your Plan. Then you will see the option to Cancel your current plan. You can also use this option to change into the three month or one year subscriptions.
What do I get with a subscription?
As long as you are subscribed, you will have access to all the episodes listed. Currently, there are over 100 available to watch. You will also be able to watch the show on our Roku Channel: taste and see tv
What do you use as a basis for research?
We like going straight to the sources. For example, the Bible text is always the foundation, so research into cross references, original wording, idioms and culture. This always takes precedent over traditional narratives. We also use up to date books and research papers to round out the narrative, after we background check the author to ensure there is minimal bias in the information.
Why are your programs so different from others?
Many are unaware at how much Rabbinic and Church traditions have influenced the narrative around of Bible accounts. By stripping out the traditions and just using the Bible text and historical findings, we often end up with a very different picture then the one handed down to us through sentimentality.
This is designed to help you to identify the difference between historical fact and historical speculation. Also, because we respect the copyrights of others, we don't copy and paste other people's work and research. As a result, our programs are unique to us.
I joined a program that may be infringing on your programs, what should I do?
Taste & See TV and Drink Offering Tours can only survive if we protect our creative content. However, it is not unreasonable to think that someone has a similar storyline or angle as us (or us to them!).
We are also not overly concerned with people sharing our program material with others, so long as we are given credit as the source.
However, what is important to us, is that no one is attempting to profit (even with "tips" or "donations") from sharing our programs, or using our programs to promote their own business ventures. We have not approved anyone to collect money on our behalf or in exchange for presenting our programs via other mediums (like Zoom or Skype). This is a clear violation of the Terms and Conditions of our website.
If you have seen this type of infringement, please email us with the details.
How do I sign up for a tour or get information/pricing?
Visit our TOUR PACKAGES page and click the REQUEST FORM. This allows you to give us some basic information to get started (your name, contact info, how many are in your group, the dates you are interested in, etc.). We will contact you to follow up on your request.
How are your day tour prices set?
Our prices are based on the standard rate for a guide in Israel, which is $300 for an 8 hour day. Therefore, we use that as our touchstone in setting our prices in order to keep our tours affordable for as many as possible.
Is it possible to customize a multi-day tour?
Yes, just visit our TOUR PACKAGES page and click any REQUEST FORM. This allows you to give us some basic information to get started (your name, contact info, how many are in your group, the dates you are interested in, general itinerary plan, etc.). We will contact you to get more information, or even set up a video conference meeting so we can help you plan.
Is tipping the guide or driver required?
While we wont say no to extra money, tipping is neither required or expected. The price you pay includes the payment to the guide and driver. It covers their fees, taxes and meal costs.
Why don't you offer your tours and programs for tips or donations?
1) There is substantial time, costs and financial risk to producing our tours and programs, from the production to business and licensing fees.
2) Because money is exchanged for a product or service, the government views us as a for-profit business, meaning they expect us to project and track income and issue invoices.
3) In reality, most people do not tip enough to cover the basic expenses.